Friday, January 23, 2009

You're mean,

she says while trying to teach me some music stuff. God knows I can't resist teasing her. But deep inside, she knows I'm just playing around, she knows my heart aches for her every second of the day. Deep inside, she knows I love her :)

Safiyyah. A beautiful name. An even more beautiful face. And she is the most beautiful person I've ever met. Its hard to believe I didn't notice her in my younger days, but then again I barely took notice of anyone those days. I'm just glad I managed to wake up before it's too late.

Safiyyah. She makes me smile. She makes me laugh. Every single second spent with her is better than 100 years in heaven. And I only say heaven because I can't think of anything nicer :P.. 

I love everything about Safiyyah, her smile, her voice, her laugh, her funny walk. She'll make the whole world melt away, leaving just me and her. Imagine just sitting there, anywhere, chatting with someone you truly love and would do anything for. It doesn't matter that we both have our shortcomings xD, we love each other just as if we were perfect.

I was actually going to wait till Valentines to post something, but I couldn't keep it in anymore. That tantalizing smile, and that cute voice is just too much for me. So if you're reading this Safiyyah, I love you lots, and you know it :)

Safiyyah Mohd Farid, the best thing that ever happened to me.


  1. woops, safiyyah is a muslim right? you're not i think? but that's good for you
    i bet safiyyah is very nice to you ;]

  2. Yes, Safiyyah is a muslim :P
    Yes, she's very nice to me :]

  3. good for you.haha let me see safiyyah please? lol =DD
