Sunday, January 18, 2009

Life is like a pipe

If you think about it, life really does feel like a bunch of pipes, and we're just the water flowing within.

You can either go forwards, or go backwards. To or fro. Jalan or gostan. And I've never heard of a single drop of water flowing backwards against the current. You're forced to move onwards in the pipe, as you are in life. Most people don't cope with this fact though, they try to go backwards in the pipe, backwards in life only to realise after 20 years all their toiling has been in vain.

There is no diversity of movement withing a single pipe, its like a colony of grey blobs, just moving in uniform because we don't know any better. How many of us have been forcefully walked down a path we'd rather not, only to regret that persons decision on us. Think about it, how many times have you wanted to do something just because you wanted to only to end up doing something else that you hate because of another party? Orders, bosses, peer pressure, they fuck you up. They fuck us all up.

Have you ever wondered if a pipe can end? Can it reach a point where there no longer is a path for water? And if it can, what happens to the water? My guess is the water just stays there, kept in the dark, not moving, not knowing whats going on, while slowly making way for rotten bacteria and microorganisms. In life, do we ever reach a same apocolypse? Is it predetermined by the gods, or is it a result of our own stupidity? Will we ever make a choice so bad it will result in us living a non-life?.. Only time will tell, and pray that time loves your ass.

The pipe system of life. Live with it, or die away.

1 comment:

  1. its too complex to be understood by a lower life form like me..
