Friday, March 20, 2009

Lala Hashim

She's T-A-G-G-E-D me. :)
So this tag is for her, even though I don't know her well :P

7 Facts about me

# 1 - I am Tan Wei Xiat. Jonathan isn't my real name :) And no, just because I like people to call me Jonathan doesn't make me an illegal immigrant.

# 2 - I'm addicted to these little cubes. They're called Rubik's Cubes. And I'm working on the 5x5x5 now :D Its torture, it makes me think 200 times harder than I normally do all day, but its worth it ;)

# 3 - Thinking weird thoughts is what I do best. Its a natural talent I have, and I'm glad I have it. Makes up for all the boring teachers I put up with during school.

# 4 - I am a normal person. People treat me as though I'm smarter than them (wtf?) or faster, or just better in an overall sense. I don't see why the fuck you'd do that actually. If you take the time to analyze the situation, you'd find that I am in fact more lowly than the average person.

# 5 - I have a mega-super-wtf-imba-epic large ass :) Just thought I'd share this knowledge with you.

# 6 - Pessimism is my best friend. I appreciate his company. Yes, Pessismism is a MAN. No, I am not a sexist.

# 7 - There is one thing I treasure more than anything else. Or should I say, one person? :)

6 Unspectacular quirks

# 1 - For all the knowledge that I hold in my puny head, I have no idea what an unspectacular quirk is. I find this rather unspectacular.

# 2 - I openly wish for all Teen Disney Stars to die. I mean, common', what the fuck? Miley Cry-us, Jonas Threesome, TROY BOLTON and THAT BITCH HE'S WITH, they all deserve to die. Ruining everything Walt Disney worked towards. Disney is in a downward spiral, and its all because of Sam, Alex and Clover.

# 3 - I'm a racist.

# 4 - Not only am I racist, I tell people not to be racist. Hypocrisy is my middle name, look for it.

# 5 - I hate getting hair cuts. I don't like long hair, but I'm afraid of barbers :( And the salons with the freakishly ugly hair stylists are even worse

# 6 - When I go out to eat at fancy parties, I tend to end up not eating much. I'm allergic to chicken, duck and turkey. My excema makes me allergic to all shellfish, including prawns and crabs. My body cannot tolerate lots of oil, thus I stay away from extremely deep fried food. Oh well.

1 comment:

  1. why do you want the disney stars to die? lol. haha. that's the funniest part. :D
